Freedom and Value.

Last night I was working late modeling for a class at the college. The summer sessions are in some ways better than the usual spring/fall sessions. Why? You can have a 10-12 hour day, but those days are only for 5 weeks, whereas, in the spring/fall, you could potentially have 10-12 hour days for three months. Summer sessions tend to be more relaxed, both from a teacher stand point and a student one.

A student started asking me how I feel when I model, then next, how did I get into modeling, and lastly, where else do I model?

Students always seem surprised that modeling is something I just sort of “fell” into. I helped friends out a couple of years ago by posing for a class for them at the center where they still work. I loved it so much I asked how I could do more. Cue nude and portrait modeling, I’ve never looked back.

Modeling is pretty much a thankless job. It’s physically demanding work, at times for very long days (10-12hrs), you don’t get benefits, you don’t get sick days, you don’t get wage raises and some of the environments where you have model are down right gross. What modeling does afford you is freedom and value:

You can make your own schedule, or work around another one. You have the ability to say yes to some jobs and walk away from others. If you save your money, you can have financial freedom. The best part of modeling though, is that it helps others with their creative process, you become part of the learning process, well, your body does actually. In some way, you’re inspiring others to stay passionate about creating, and that’s an amazing thing.

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